Discover the french e-learning platform that leads you to fluency.

Frenchclass onlin is also an e-learning or blended learning platform aimed at students or trainers who want to learn inependently authentic french or who need to prepare DELF B1 or B2. This platform is also usefull for teachers and trainers who need ressources and lessons tailor-made for their students.

With the e-learning platform, you learn at your own pace and up to your schedules with french interactive courses and lessons. You can combine your daily connection to the platform to practice with french classes.

Learn french online, simple, independently with this new e-learning platform.
You will learn and practice french like in immersion.

  • Become an expert : register to the daily practice program to get fluency in french Become an expert for only 9,99€ per mont (or 99€ per year)

    From B1 level, you can practice daily (5 to 15 minutes) with authentic documents (radio, video, movies, articles, podcasts…). Each documents is followed by exercices to make sure you understand the best part of the document. If you feel, you need to review grammar or conjugation fro FREE, just click on the lesson associated to learn and practice more.

Immersion and communication will lead you to understand faster and better authentic french.

This way, you can progress daily and be aware of francophone culture.

fle en ligne

Become an expert in french

You already speak and understand french but you need to immerse yourself in francophone culture?

Those who study or have studied french for at least 2 years (B1 minimum).
Authentic french podcasts, videos or articles to listen or read.
How long?
5 to 15 minutes per document.
To progress and practice authentic french.
How much?
9,99€ per month or 99€ per year.

préparer le delf b2

Get prepared to the DELF B1 or B2

Those who already have B1 or B2 level and need to obtain a diploma.
Follow a progressive online course to adquire methodology and train with real exercices and get personalized feed-backs.
How long?
40 hours (6 months registration)
To obtain the DELF
How much?

Search and find an exercise, lesson or module:
[ivory-search id=”7527″ title=”Default Search Form”]

  • A course to get prepared to get prepared to DELF B2 et un module de get prepared to DELF B1 pour se préparer et obtenir le DELF.
    If you already have a B1 or B2 level and you want to pass the DELF, you will find a complete course wiht methodology, grammar and exam training.
  • A 40 hours training at 99€.

    You can combine independent lessons with live classes.
    Please contact me to book a free and without commitent interview to define a tailor-made program.

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    All french courses are based on the same methodology: a communicative way to learn a language. Grammar, conjugation or vocabulary are tools you use to communicate. I will always ask for your intuition and observation.

    Learn more about my methodology.

    cours de français online

    Testez votre niveau en ligne.

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    French or bilingual dictionnary.